4 Epic Pieces of Advice for Building a Successful Career in Tel Aviv

2 min read
Picture of Adi Barel
Adi Barel
4 Epic Pieces of Advice for Building a Successful Career in Tel Aviv

We asked four diverse, successful, Tel Aviv-based individuals for their best advice about building a successful career in the White City. Here’s what they said:

1. Find your why.

Today, employers and clients want to hire people who are mission-driven: people who are less concerned with “what” a job opportunity entails and “how” they’re qualified. Instead, successful people are more concerned with “why” they want any given opportunity, and how they can effectively communicate this “why” to an employer or client. The “what” and “how” will almost certainly change over time, but if your “why” is clear, you’ll likely be more successful now and in the future.

Assaf Luxembourg, Biz Dev & Marketing Consultant

2. Determine your MVP.

Building a career is like building a product: It starts with an “MVP” (minimum viable product). Like a startup outlines their goals, does market research, develops personas and tracks their progress in detailed spreadsheets as they’re developing an MVP, you can (and should) do the same with your career. It will help you reach your goals faster and more effectively. (Not to mention, showing potential employers how you “product manage” your career might just impress them.)

– Adi Gov, COO at Elevation Academy

Now on Citizen Café TV:

3. Develop a strong personal brand.

In today’s hyper-competitive, on-demand, global economy, it’s increasingly difficult to create a competitive advantage using the old tricks of the trade, such as a resumé or CV. By developing a strong personal brand, both online and offline, you’ll better enable yourself to be “top of mind” when potential employers and clients are in the market for someone with your skills, experience and added value.

– Josh Hoffman, founder of Epic Freelancing

4. Be a go-giver, not a go-getter.

Networking, both online and offline, is still extremely effective, but not when you’re constantly looking for people to help you. Rather, be an active community member, which means taking an unconditional “how can I help other people” approach. By helping other people achieve their career goals, they’ll find a way to help you achieve yours.

Adi Barel, Director of International Economic Development at Tel Aviv Global

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4 Epic Pieces of Advice for Building a Successful Career in Tel Aviv

We asked four diverse, successful, Tel Aviv-based individuals for their best advice about building a successful career in the White City. Here’s what they said:

1. Find your why.

Today, employers and clients want to hire people who are mission-driven: people who are less concerned with “what” a job opportunity entails and “how” they’re qualified. Instead, successful people are more concerned with “why” they want any given opportunity, and how they can effectively communicate this “why” to an employer or client. The “what” and “how” will almost certainly change over time, but if your “why” is clear, you’ll likely be more successful now and in the future. Assaf Luxembourg, Biz Dev & Marketing Consultant

2. Determine your MVP.

Building a career is like building a product: It starts with an “MVP” (minimum viable product). Like a startup outlines their goals, does market research, develops personas and tracks their progress in detailed spreadsheets as they’re developing an MVP, you can (and should) do the same with your career. It will help you reach your goals faster and more effectively. (Not to mention, showing potential employers how you “product manage” your career might just impress them.) – Adi Gov, COO at Elevation Academy

Now on Citizen Café TV:

3. Develop a strong personal brand.

In today’s hyper-competitive, on-demand, global economy, it’s increasingly difficult to create a competitive advantage using the old tricks of the trade, such as a resumé or CV. By developing a strong personal brand, both online and offline, you’ll better enable yourself to be “top of mind” when potential employers and clients are in the market for someone with your skills, experience and added value. – Josh Hoffman, founder of Epic Freelancing

4. Be a go-giver, not a go-getter.

Networking, both online and offline, is still extremely effective, but not when you’re constantly looking for people to help you. Rather, be an active community member, which means taking an unconditional “how can I help other people” approach. By helping other people achieve their career goals, they’ll find a way to help you achieve yours. Adi Barel, Director of International Economic Development at Tel Aviv Global