Top 10 Positions for Internationals Living in Israel

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Top 10 Positions for Internationals Living in Israel

If you’re an international living in Israel, you probably have many qualifications that will help you land a job here. Over 90% of start up companies in Tel-Aviv work in global markets, so having an international background is always an advantage. You can leverage a degree, past work experience or your native language as a way to get the attention of HRs looking to fill open positions. To make life easier, we thought we’d highlight the top 10 positions for internationals living in Israel

1. Marketing

An understanding of global markets is a significant plus for marketing roles. Internationals bring a fresh perspective to branding, storytelling, and social media due to the difference in language and culture.

2. Design, UX/ UI

UX stands for “user experience” and the role of the designer is to makes digital interfaces useful for users. UI stands for “user interface” and the role’s main goal is to make digital interfaces beautiful and easy to navigate. Internationals are a great fit for these roles because they bring knowledge and international standards to these not fully developed fields in Israel.

3. Product Development

Product development managers need to understand the customer in order to develop the product’s pricing, planning, competitive analysis, and financial planning and strategy. This role is great for internationals because an international will most likely have a better understanding of the customer’s needs if the customers are globally based.

4. Business Development

This role can take on a different meaning and set of responsibilities depending on the company. In general, this position is responsible for the growth of a company as a whole. Whether its achieved through strategic partnerships, new markets or development of new products, business development roles are great for internationals who are looking to grow their careers in Israel.

5. Sales & Account Management

Internationals grow businesses and provide key insights to cultural gaps Israelis have in international markets they desperately want to reach, which is why Israeli companies are always looking for international sales people. Nine times out of ten, Internationals speak the language of markets companies want to reach- especially native english speakers.

6. Content Writing

Content writing can be a great entry level role or freelancing opportunity as a way to get experience at an Israeli company.

7. R&D/ Software Development Engineers

Research and development is the core of every high tech company. 60%-70% of each tech company’s staff is made of R&D and Israel has a shortage of engineers and programmers. These roles are great for internationals with experience and companies tend to compete over talent for these positions. Some companies will even go as far as offering very attractive relocation packages for internationals to incentivize them to move to Israel.

8. Public Sector

In Israel, the public sector is very broad and covers health, higher education and government (embassies, municipalities, and ministry of foreign affairs). These fields are always looking for internationals.

9. NGOs

There are countless NGOs and nonprofits in israel seeking international ambassadors in Israel to represent their causes abroad. NGOs are always looking for grant writers and fundraisers to bring on board.

10. Get creative!

Whether you’re an artist, restaurateur, musician, designer, or entrepreneur, Israel is the place to get inspired and create new opportunities.

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Top 10 Positions for Internationals Living in Israel

If you’re an international living in Israel, you probably have many qualifications that will help you land a job here. Over 90% of start up companies in Tel-Aviv work in global markets, so having an international background is always an advantage. You can leverage a degree, past work experience or your native language as a way to get the attention of HRs looking to fill open positions. To make life easier, we thought we’d highlight the top 10 positions for internationals living in Israel

1. Marketing

An understanding of global markets is a significant plus for marketing roles. Internationals bring a fresh perspective to branding, storytelling, and social media due to the difference in language and culture.

2. Design, UX/ UI

UX stands for “user experience” and the role of the designer is to makes digital interfaces useful for users. UI stands for “user interface” and the role’s main goal is to make digital interfaces beautiful and easy to navigate. Internationals are a great fit for these roles because they bring knowledge and international standards to these not fully developed fields in Israel.

3. Product Development

Product development managers need to understand the customer in order to develop the product’s pricing, planning, competitive analysis, and financial planning and strategy. This role is great for internationals because an international will most likely have a better understanding of the customer’s needs if the customers are globally based.

4. Business Development

This role can take on a different meaning and set of responsibilities depending on the company. In general, this position is responsible for the growth of a company as a whole. Whether its achieved through strategic partnerships, new markets or development of new products, business development roles are great for internationals who are looking to grow their careers in Israel.

5. Sales & Account Management

Internationals grow businesses and provide key insights to cultural gaps Israelis have in international markets they desperately want to reach, which is why Israeli companies are always looking for international sales people. Nine times out of ten, Internationals speak the language of markets companies want to reach- especially native english speakers.

6. Content Writing

Content writing can be a great entry level role or freelancing opportunity as a way to get experience at an Israeli company.

7. R&D/ Software Development Engineers

Research and development is the core of every high tech company. 60%-70% of each tech company’s staff is made of R&D and Israel has a shortage of engineers and programmers. These roles are great for internationals with experience and companies tend to compete over talent for these positions. Some companies will even go as far as offering very attractive relocation packages for internationals to incentivize them to move to Israel.

8. Public Sector

In Israel, the public sector is very broad and covers health, higher education and government (embassies, municipalities, and ministry of foreign affairs). These fields are always looking for internationals.

9. NGOs

There are countless NGOs and nonprofits in israel seeking international ambassadors in Israel to represent their causes abroad. NGOs are always looking for grant writers and fundraisers to bring on board.

10. Get creative!

Whether you’re an artist, restaurateur, musician, designer, or entrepreneur, Israel is the place to get inspired and create new opportunities.