Flow Tier

Our flow levels dive into more unique structures of the Hebrew language so that you can start developing a better flow with a wider vocabulary. These levels encourage you to start playing with more advanced concepts!

Class Size


Weekly Hours

1.5 hours twice a week


20 classes over 10 weeks


Online or in Tel Aviv

Course information

Our Flow tier covers four Hebrew levels: Light Blue, Blue, Lime, and Green. In these levels we will cover irregular verb structures in past and future tense, listening comprehension, and piecing together more complex sentences.

Light Blue
Level 5
Learn the future tense, expand your vocabulary, work on speaking skills by activating all the Hebrew you already know, and learn verbs of more complex patterns.
Level 6
Speak a lot in Hebrew and work on expressing yourself in conversation while learning more complex verb patterns and sentence structures.
Level 7
Learn useful groups of irregular verbs and more complex sentence structures. Practice understanding spoken Hebrew by watching excerpts from Israeli TV shows.
Level 8
Practice using structures and verbs which are unique to Hebrew, while expanding your ability to express yourself through speaking and listening to spoken Hebrew.

Foundation Courses Schedule

The 5-Star Reviews Speak For Themselves

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Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


We specialize in teaching our students how to use their Hebrew out in the real world. Rather than solely focusing on theoretical concepts, we emphasize learning everyday Hebrew and constantly update our curriculum with the most relevant content. Our classes have a high-energy rhythm that mimics real-world dynamics, enabling our students to have plenty of speaking time during each lesson and build the confidence to speak Hebrew in everyday situations. 

The best way to find out is by booking a free online level assessment with one of our teachers! Don’t worry, this is a laidback session where we work together to establish your current skill level and then give you a taste of how we teach Hebrew using our conversational method. Book your free intro here.

Not necessarily. Before you get started with us, we invite you to meet one of our teachers online for a level assessment. If you’ve already learned Hebrew in the past, our teachers may suggest you skip a few levels and start at the level that will give you the best value right now. Sometimes, our teachers may offer you to choose between two levels and provide you with the pros and cons of choosing either level. 

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Hebrew Nugget:

Flow Tier

Flow Tier

Our flow levels dive into more unique structures of the Hebrew language so that you can start developing a better flow with a wider vocabulary. These levels encourage you to start playing with more advanced concepts!

book & meet a teacher

Class Size


Weekly Hours

1.5 hours twice a week


20 classes over 10 weeks


Online or in Tel Aviv

Course information

Our Flow tier covers four Hebrew levels: Light Blue, Blue, Lime, and Green. In these levels we will cover irregular verb structures in past and future tense, listening comprehension, and piecing together more complex sentences.

book a free trial Light Blue Level 5 Learn the future tense, expand your vocabulary, work on speaking skills by activating all the Hebrew you already know, and learn verbs of more complex patterns. Blue Level 6 Speak a lot in Hebrew and work on expressing yourself in conversation while learning more complex verb patterns and sentence structures. Lime Level 7 Learn useful groups of irregular verbs and more complex sentence structures. Practice understanding spoken Hebrew by watching excerpts from Israeli TV shows. Green Level 8 Practice using structures and verbs which are unique to Hebrew, while expanding your ability to express yourself through speaking and listening to spoken Hebrew.

Foundation Courses Schedule

The 5-Star Reviews Speak For Themselves

See for yourself


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Citizen Café Student


Placeholder – do not remove How is your method different from regular ulpan?

We specialize in teaching our students how to use their Hebrew out in the real world. Rather than solely focusing on theoretical concepts, we emphasize learning everyday Hebrew and constantly update our curriculum with the most relevant content. Our classes have a high-energy rhythm that mimics real-world dynamics, enabling our students to have plenty of speaking time during each lesson and build the confidence to speak Hebrew in everyday situations. 

How do I know if one of the Flow levels is right for me?

The best way to find out is by booking a free online level assessment with one of our teachers! Don’t worry, this is a laidback session where we work together to establish your current skill level and then give you a taste of how we teach Hebrew using our conversational method. Book your free intro here.

Do I need to take all of the Flow levels if I’m a beginner?

Not necessarily. Before you get started with us, we invite you to meet one of our teachers online for a level assessment. If you’ve already learned Hebrew in the past, our teachers may suggest you skip a few levels and start at the level that will give you the best value right now. Sometimes, our teachers may offer you to choose between two levels and provide you with the pros and cons of choosing either level. 

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