Love and War
‘I will wait for you’ by The Pure Souls – אחכה לך’ / הנשמות הטהורות’
Israeli culture is entwined with uncertainty and the impending feeling of urgency. The culture and society inevitably reflect that as the country is always in between or amidst a war. ‘I will wait for you’ is one of the greatest love songs and is also inherently Israeli. Written by Dudu Barak for Nava Bruchin, the lead singer of the band ׳The Pure Souls’, between the Six-Day War and Yom Kippur War, it symbolized the wait of women for their loved ones to come back from war.
“I will wait for you – gather me to you – far away in our fog – between red smoke and clouds.”
These lines say so much about how love is experienced in times of war. The song was a big hit; unfortunately, it is still relevant today.
Love and Community
‘Suddenly now, suddenly today’ by Shlomo Artzi – פתאום עכשיו, פתאום היום’ / שלמה ארצי’
It is one of Israel’s most loved and known love songs, performed by the even more Iconic Shlomo Artzi. This song is a consensus – chances are every Israeli you stop on the street will know the chorus by heart. A fantastic showcase of love in the lyrics was written by Tirtsa Atar, an acclaimed Israeli poet and the daughter of the great Natan Alterman. The song describes a deep love that arises so big it is like a force of nature rising in the lover’s heart.
“And if you could hear me and my song – erupting like the sea – shouting to the world – just hear me.”
Composed by Yaakov Hollander, it was one of Artzi’s first mega hits. The combination of poetic lyrics, a sing-along kind of melody, and Artzi’s star-quality delivery made it an instant success. Here is a video of the crowds singing along to it. Watch the crowd sing along here:
Love and Joy
‘You took my hand in yours’ by Yehudit Ravitz – ׳לקחת את ידי בידך׳ / יהודית רביץ
Another classic is this song, a great collaboration of Yankale Rotblit on lyrics, Mati Caspi on melody, and Yehudit Ravits performing. It was the beginning of time in Israel when this group of unique artists came together alongside others and developed many successful collaborations. Mati Caspi, a musical genius, introduced the Israeli culture to Brazilian and bossa nova rhythms. Yehudit Ravits started her career and became one of Israel’s most acclaimed female singers, paving the way for many others. In a way, this song and that era helped shape what is still present in today’s Folk scene in Israel. In the spirit of collaboration, the song is fun and whimsical but also portrays melancholy:
“You gave me a hand – showed me the way to many things – brought a beautiful smile, like a flower – and strength to believe’”
Love and Devotion
‘Beautiful as the moon’ by Eviatar Banai – ׳יפה כלבנה׳ / אביתר בנאי
Written, composed, and performed by one of Israel’s most loved musicians, Eviatar Banai, this song talks about giving in to love and maturing into it. It was also part of the singer’s repentance. He recites and combines two sentences from “The Song of Songs” in the chorus: “Who is rising – beautiful as the moon.”
Part of his 5th album, sung softly and accompanied by a mesmerizing strings arrangement, the audience widely accepted and embraced the song for its fragility and honesty. It remains a favorite for many.
“I won’t ask for a thing – you don’t have to prove anything to me – wipe off the red of your lips – wipe the road’s dust off your feet.”
The lyrics imply that love is a home in which to feel safe and let go.
Love and Tragedy
Most known from Zohar Argov’s performance, this song is about tragedy. The story recites a woman and man meeting in Tel Aviv; the man leaves for America and promises to write. He doesn’t, and the woman is heartbroken. Years later, she meets the son of her lover by chance, who tells her his father died in a car crash shortly after his arrival to America. After hearing this story, Zmirah Chen wrote ‘A Sea of Tears.’ The song expresses immense longing and pain, showcasing raw emotion:
“A sea of tears in both eyes – my heart calls – come back to me.”
. It had a renaissance of popularity after the winner of Israel’s first ‘American Idol’ contest, Ninet Tayeb, performed it as her winning song. After that night, the song was hers.
Here is her rendition that won her the first place –
Watch her unforgettable performance here:
Love and Friendship
‘When it’s deep’ by Korin Allal and Inbal Perlmuter – ‘כשזה עמוק’ קורין אלאל וענבל פרלמוטר
On a personal note – although there are many more fantastic love songs, I chose to end with a specific one that I love dearly and also for the memory and legacy of its composer, Korin Allal, who passed away this December. Allal, an amazing artist considered a trailblazer to this day, was an immigrant from Tunisia who broke into the music scene with her unique melodies and spiritual lyrics. She wrote the song with her friend/lover, Inbal Perlmuter, who was another emerging artist in the rock scene. Shortly after recording, Inbal passed away in a car crash, and Korin dedicated the song to her. It is said that the two shared a deep friendship and love, and apparently so because it produced a magical song filled with quiet solidarity and contemplation. It is still considered one of the most beautiful love songs in Israel.
“When it’s deep, the whole world stops – and you’re picking stars – when it’s deep – you feel like so many colors are added to the picture.”
And here’s another treat from us – enjoy a playlist of the most beautiful love songs in Hebrew: