Crossing cultures, creating connections

Delve into the fascinating juncture where Israeli culture converges with others, and explore the insightful and unexpected occurrences that arise from these connections.

In each episode, we’ll be hosting people with an interesting point of view on the Israeli mindset. Some are Israelis who’ve embraced new adventures in various corners of the world, and others are individuals from different backgrounds immersing themselves in Israeli culture. They’ll be sharing their personal journeys and shedding light on the concept of cultural intelligence.

Tamar Pross

Israeli-Australian entrepreneur, cross-cultural expert and founder of Citizen Café Tel Aviv. Tamar's diverse background and experience make her a sought-after speaker and coach, offering strategies for success in diverse cultures and language learning. She guides professionals and individuals, boosting cultural intelligence and transformative language acquisition approaches.

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Hebrew Nugget:

Hebrew, Love, and Resilience in a Time of War (Special Edition)

Tamar Pross Aleeza Ben Shalom Tel Aviv unplugged Podcast War Episode
In this special episode of Tel Aviv Unplugged we reconnect with Aleeza Ben Shalom, renowned as “the Jewish matchmaker,” amidst the ongoing tumult of war in Israel. Seeking Aleeza’s unique perspective and personal experiences in these challenging times, we explore the complexity of life across different Israeli regions. Aleeza shares profound insights and her unwavering commitment to her work despite adversity, elaborating on her recent tour in the United States focused on fostering unity within Jewish communities. Throughout the conversation, Aleeza reflects on the impact of crises on matchmaking and relationships during turbulent periods. She sheds light on the remarkable resilience and unity displayed by communities facing adversity, highlighting the exceptional strength Israelis exhibit while navigating daily life amid ongoing turmoil, and emphasizes the significance of language, particularly Hebrew, in sustaining connections during such trying times.